While cost cuts are high on the priority list globally, 85% of Indian CEOs do not plan to reduce headcount, and 96% do not plan to reduce compensation – demonstrating their resolve to retain talent.
For most Indian CEOs, 2019 will be a tough year with fewer business opportunities. Although they see opportunities in artificial intelligence, some say they will go for job cuts or salary hikes.
The most common reason cited to avoid cutting jobs, the CEOs said, was “to maintain brand equity” while a third said they didn’t want to reduce headcount longer-term as they saw it as a security blanket.
Indian CEOs do not plan to reduce headcount but expect lower revenues. The survey conducted by PwC found that 85% of Indian CEOs. Do not plan to reduce headcount, while 87% expect lower revenues in the next 12 months
Only 4% of Indian CEOs plan to reduce headcount, the lowest percentage among the top 20 global economies. The survey, conducted by PwC on 1,204 CEOs in 19 countries and territories across Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europe, and North America found that Indian CEOs view a tough 2017 that does not bode well for the next year.
Two-thirds of India’s CEOs will not cut their headcount this year, according to a new survey. Indian CEOs are planning to implement a median of two new product launches this year. Expect revenues to decline at a rate of 5%, according to a survey by professional services firm PwC.
As the unemployment rate in India is on an upswing and at risk of touching double digits. 85% of Indian CEOs do not plan to reduce their headcount. Some say it’s too early to cut jobs, but most expect lower purchasing power this year. leading to lower profit margins, said a PwC survey released recently.
Stiff competition, weak consumer sentiment. Muted hiring expectations among Indian companies are the reasons why senior executives do not plan to reduce headcount for the coming financial year.
According to a survey conducted by PwC. 85% of Indian CEOs do not plan to reduce headcount numbers and 80% of them will renew their salary hikes. Indian companies are shying away from job cuts. Salary cuts due to pending laws against it. According to surveys by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC). Only 10% of CEOs surveyed plan to cut down on headcount during the next 12 months and only 3.2% are looking at hiring new employees.
Most Indian CEOs are still upbeat about their companies despite the ongoing uncertainties. It is in the domestic economy, But their confidence is below the level seen last year because of the slowdown.
Appearing at the top of the list of Indian CEOs’ priorities are customer satisfaction (39%), ensuring business growth (28%), and delivering the right value to shareholders (26%).
A survey by global professional services firm PwC says 85% of Indian CEOs. Do not plan to reduce headcount in the coming year.
Indian CEOs see a difficult year ahead but most say they won’t go for a job or salary cuts: PwC survey. The Indian CEOs expect a difficult year ahead, with only 15% expecting a better performance in 2018. Of this 15%, 30% think that the worst is over and cannot stop their organizations from bouncing back. 74% of CEOs are optimistic about the next 12-18 months’ performance.
Indian CEOs see a difficult year but most say they won’t go for a job or salary cuts in 2019, says a report by global consultancy firm PwC. The number of companies surveyed has declined from 100 in 2018 to 76. Mainly due to fewer private equity and hedge funds acquiring startups, it said. Indian CEOs are planning to increase headcount as much as growth in their respective companies.
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